Wednesday, July 18, 2018

TIPS: Sage

Note from Megan: I have been using for years to save specific food that I can only get rarely.  Here's what they say (in my own words) about preserving sage.

How to air-dry sage:

Poke a few holes in a paper bag.   Place the sage into the bag so the stems are sticking out of the opening.  Close the opening and the stems together with a rubber band and hang stems-side up anywhere in your house.

How to oven-dry sage:

Put oven on lowest temperature.  Place washed and dried sage leaves on a baking sheet and place in oven for 2-4 hours, or until they crumble in your hands.  Store in an airtight container after they are completely cool.

How to freeze sage:

Chop up cleaned and dried leaves as small as you can.  Put 1 teaspoon into each icecube section of your icecube tray.  Top off with a little water and freeze.  Use in sauces or allow to melt and use only the leaves later.

Other tips:  Always use sage cooked, and add to the end of the cooking process. If roasting a chicken, add sage and lemon inside the cavity.  Sautee or steam carrots, then add a little butter and sage and cook until golden.

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