Monday, August 24, 2009

FARM NEWS 8.24.09

Hello from Chubby Bunny Farm.

The big news this week must be that, farming is dangerous. This Monday intern Naf broke his wrist in a tangle with our two delightful cows, Coco and Patches. Just after the morning milking the cows got frisky and while Naf was trying to move them along the cows proved larger (we had no doubt) and Naf was knocked down. A minor fracture thankfully, as far as broken bones go, so he is feeling alright, in a cast and healing.

This of course puts a strain on the farm. We've had some lovely volunteers show up and put in some work getting the harvest done but losing a full time, skilled employee really does hurt. Sometimes it's hard to see the difference things like this have on the farm. We still get the harvest in and looking good every week, plants keep growing, the weather keeps coming. It's those things you see from the tractor seat as you drive out to the melons that get to you - the fall beet transplants and all the weeds germinating with them, the fall carrots battling battling fighting the weeds waiting for us to find the time to help them out. We show up in the misty morning, work hard sweating all day putting that food in those bins and race out to show the carrots we still care. We show up in the misty morning, work hard... and so on. It seems to work.

Besides the lightning that struck the greenhouse Friday night all else on the farm seems to be pretty plain. We seeded more arugula, more daikon radish, and some cilantro, planted out some fall cabbages. We pulled weeds, we clipped garlic, we bantered endlessly out in the fields. And here's some of the harvest -

salad mix

Thanks and Enjoy-
Apprentice Cody

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