Sunday, August 4, 2024

Cream of the Crop Recipe Week 8: Callaloo and Kefir Stew


Recipe of the Week: 
Callaloo and Kefir Stew

Callaloo and Kefir Stew 
by Nandita Venkatesan

This is an adaptation of one of my favorite dishes my mom would make called Keerai Mor Kootu - traditionally made with buttermilk and amaranth greens.


3 -4 cups finely chopped callaloo and red shiso
1-1.5 cups kefir (use more if you like it tangier)
1/3 cup grated coconut ( I use Trader Joes unsweetened coconut chips and grind them to a powder in my coffee grinder)
1 green chili or 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder 
4-5 dried curry leaves
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder
1 teaspoon cumin powder
oil + salt to taste ( obviously tastes better if you use more :) )
cilantro to garnish

Step 1. 
Add 1/2 tablespoon of oil to a pot. Slice the green chili in half and let it spurt in the oil. Add the chopped callaloo and red shiso, turmeric, and a couple dashes of salt. Let cook for 4-5 minutes. Handy Tip: Cooking the greens with turmeric and salt will reduce the bitterness.

Step 2.
While the greens are cooking, blend the kefir, coconut, cumin powder, and - if you aren't using green chili- red chili powder. You can use a whisk or immersion blender until the mixture is smooth.

Step 3.
Once the greens are cooked, add the kefir and coconut mixture to the pot. You might need to add up to a half cup of water to thin the mixture out. Let it simmer for 3 mins and then turn off. 

Step 4.
In a small pan ( I use an egg pan), add 1/2 tablespoon of oil and heat on medium for 30 seconds. Add one mustard seed and  see if it splutters. If not, wait another 30 seconds. Add curry leaves and mustard seeds and wait for 30 seconds after they start to splutter for the spices to fully temper.

Step 5.
Once the spices are temper, add them to the stew as a garnish. You can also add additional salt to taste. I think this tastes best with brown rice and lightly sauteed okra! 

Nandita Venkatesan
      A recent transplant to the UWS, Nandita enjoys getting involved in her neighborhood and getting outdoors. While she mostly makes Indian food, she loves making simplified versions of dishes that are easy to prepare on weekdays and incorporate local ingredients. Her go-tos are fun and tasty vegetable and lentil stews. Favorite dishes include rhubarb rice, aloo saag, cabbage kootu (a rich and thick cabbage, peas, and carrot stew). 

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