Thursday, June 27, 2024

Cream of the Crop Recipe Week 3: Pan Roasted Butter Radishes

Pan Roasted Butter Radishes

By:  Jax Floyd & Kurt Flehinger

This recipe is so simple yet produces a creamy, sweet and nutty side dish that goes well with almost anything.  The radishes in this week’s delivery are young and mild.  But this recipe works even with older, strong and tougher radishes as well.

1 Bunch Radishes 

1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 Tbsp unsalted butter

1/2 tsp. sugar (if radishes are older and stronger flavored)

Juice of half a lemon

3 Springs of chopped mint, cilantro or parsley depending upon what you are serving the radishes with.

  1. Heat oil and butter in a heavy bottom frying pan (just large enough to hold all of the radishes) over medium high heat just until butter begins to brown.
  2. While the butter and oil are heating, slice the radishes in half or quarters if they are large.  
  3. Once the butter begins to brown, add the radishes cut side down, reducing the heat to medium.
  4. Sprinkle sugar over the radishes if needed.
  5. Cook for 10-15 minutes until radishes begin to caramelize.
  6. Remove from heat and sprinkle with lemon juice and herb garnish of your choice.  Serve immediately.

Note:  Adding olive oil to the butter raises the smoke point of the butter and allows it to brown without burning as you pan roast the radishes.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cream of the Crop 2024 Recipe Week 2: Potato and Onion Roast


Recipe of the Week: 
Potato and Onion Roast

Potato and Onion Roast
by Nandita Venkatesan

This is a simple Indian side dish that goes with any meal (especially rice and dal).


3 large potatoes
1 large Onion
4-5 dried curry leaves
1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder
3/4 teaspoon red chilli powder
3/4 teaspoon cumin seeds
3/4 teaspoon ajwain ( traditional indian spice)  or dried thyme ( similar tasting substitute)
1 pinch of asafoetida powder ( or garlic powder)
oil + salt to taste ( obviously tastes better if you use more :) )
cilantro to garnish

Step 1. 
Thoroughly boil the potatoes - I pressure cook them in an instant pot with a cup of water at the bottom for 5-7 minutes. Finely mince the onion.

Step 2.
Add 1.5 tablespoons of oil to a saute pan. Add optional asafoetida powder and wait for it to splutter. Once the oil starts to splutter, add curry leaves, cumin seeds, ajwain (or dried thyme).

Step 3.
After about 30 seconds, add the onion and saute until the onions turn soft and brown. If you are afraid of burning them, lower the heat and salt the onions - it keeps the onions from burning.

Step 4.
In the meantime, chop the boiled potatoes to 1 inch cubes ( or forkable sizes). Once the onions are browned, add the potatoes and toss.

Step 5.
Cover the pan for 1 minute and wait for the potatoes to get a little crispy. Then add the turmeric powder and chilli powder and toss. Cover for another minute. Feel free to add more oil to get the potatoes nice and crispy.

Step 6.
Once the potatoes look a bit roasted on the outside, add salt to your taste and toss. Garnish with chopped cilantro.

Step 7. 
Serve with anything :)  I prefer to serve with rice and a nice dal.

Nandita Venkatesan
      A recent transplant to the UWS, Nandita enjoys getting involved in her neighborhood and getting outdoors. While she mostly makes Indian food, she loves making simplified versions of dishes that are easy to prepare on weekdays and incorporate local ingredients. Her go-tos are fun and tasty vegetable and lentil stews. Favorite dishes include rhubarb rice, aloo saag, cabbage kootu (a rich and thick cabbage, peas, and carrot stew).